What clients say after working with me.



Calm Recording

“I have to say Jane thank you once again for the free ‘calm’ download.  It’s lovely – the perfect length, and works a treat.  I could really feel myself relaxing more and more as the seconds passed.

I have uploaded it to my smartphone so will have it with me pretty much all of the time to be able to just listen-in and relax whenever I need to.  Perfect for a lunchtime listen if the morning has been full-on and a little stressful.”

 - JW 2021


Hypnotherapy and Sleep Recordings

“Over the past 6 months I have been challenged like never before.   I have a senior role in a care home. I’ve being doing the job for years so, although I was pushed to my limits in all sorts of ways, I have always known that I have the skills to do the job.   What I had not expected was my inability to switch off at night.  I just could not sleep with a head full of what had gone on in the day and what I could expect the next day.  There were some really difficult weeks especially where relatives wanted to see their loved ones and I had the job of keeping them away.

I booked two appointments with Jane and cancelled them at short notice due to “lack of time and being too busy”. By the time we had our first session over the internet,  I was completely exhausted.   I immediately felt at ease and the hypnotherapy gave me so much inner peace that I felt an emotional and physical improvement straight away.    Jane gave me a recording to listen to at night and that has made the world of difference.   In honesty I don’t usually hear the end of the recording.  I just drift off now.  

We did have a second session where Jane gave me some techniques to use to help with pressures that come up in the working day.   I am using them regularly and it’s reassuring to have these new skills when I need them.

If you can’t sleep for whatever reason I recommend you go and see Jane.”

— MB 2020




”I just wanted to thank you really, I have been reading the book you recommended and practising the tools you taught me. I have really needed them at certain times (I've definitely been tested now) and it's made such a big difference! Even when I'm not using them, I feel like it's given me confidence just knowing that I have these tools if I do need them! I'm still just amazed at what a difference just breathing can do!  So thank you so much.”

- YL 2020


Self belief
Hypnotherapy and Mindfulness

“Jane is amazing at what she does, whether it’s hypnotherapy or mindfulness. Having hypnotherapy with her helped me be fabulous at 50! Thank you Jane!”

— FC 2020


Blended Therapy

“I just wanted to say a massive thank you.  I hope you know what a massive difference you are making to people’s lives.  I really wish these techniques were taught in every school.  My daughter has got so much out of each session and enjoyed it all.  She feels confident and so do we, that she is so much better equipped to face whatever challenges life throws at her.  No doubt that she will have her wobbles and I know you have kindly said to get in touch at any time – which is great.  Big, big thanks.”

— BB 2020


Blended Therapy

“I had the pleasure of meeting Jane for my first ever one to one hypnotherapy session in March. I was, I admit, sceptical but knew that she had helped my friend overcome her fear of flying so I thought it was worth a go.

I have skied for years and I am a competent blue run skier, but a couple of years ago I had a meltdown when taken on a very steep icy red slope by accident. I also have always had a fear of narrow runs that my brain perceived to be dangerous drops by the side of them. My inner voice had become very negative and my confidence had taken a battering. I wasn’t enjoying my skiing and my technique had got a lot worse as I wasn’t relaxing.

I had one session with Jane (I was booked for two, but ironically couldn’t get there because of the snow!) and I am astounded at the difference it made. At no point during my week away did I meltdown or panic. On a few occasions I went down very steep slopes and although I took them slowly, I remained calm. I certainly have not managed to achieve this level of calm in the past couple of years! My friends and husband (all advanced skiers) were most relieved as I have been known to scream, shout and cry in reaction to my fear when they have accidentally taken me down such slopes before!

I will definitely be going back to Jane for a top up next year and would recommend her highly.”

— KH 2018

Weight Loss
Blended Approach

“Before I went to see Jane I felt I had no confidence, I suffered from anxiety attacks and I had very low self-esteem, because of this I used to overeat in secret. Whenever we went out to a restaurant (which was quite a lot) I would always have three courses and a bottle of wine at least. All of this led to me being a size 18.

Since I have been seeing Jane my attitude towards food has changed completely. Hypnotherapy has made me see things in a totally different light. I am now more confident and I have much more energy.  After 5 sessions I have lost one and a half stone and have gone down to a size 14. I cannot thank Jane enough for changing my life for the better!”

— DE 2017


Hypnotherapy and NLP

“I decided to try hypnotherapy and found Jane online. At our initial telephone conversation and first meeting I felt very comfortable as Jane thoroughly explained the process. She set my mind at ease regarding any preconceived ideas and fears I had concerning hypnotherapy. We discussed areas I was struggling with and what I wanted support with. I was quite clear I wanted to improve and not dwell on the past, Jane took this onboard and always kept me focused on the future.

Jane is extremely professional, sympathetic, non-judgemental and offers constructive support. The specific NLP techniques that Jane taught me have allowed me to consciously improve my mental health alongside the hypnosis.

Now I have finished my sessions I know Jane is always on the end of the phone or I can book another appointment should I need her. I highly recommend Jane and thank her for helping me improve my life. “

— SA 2017

Smoking Cessation Hypnotherapy

“At the beginning of December 2015, I began a course of hypnotherapy with Jane to quit smoking. I had been a smoker for about 45 years and I had tried to cut down for years without any success. Seeing many of my friends suffer with ill health due to smoking, I decided that the time had come to stop, whilst I was still in reasonably good health. I decided that I wanted to completely stop by the end of December 2015.

I had two sessions with Jane, after the first one I cut down from 15 cigarettes a day to just 2. After the second session I stopped altogether.  I have not smoked a single cigarette since then.”

— RS 2015


Smoking Cessation


“Five years ago on 7th December 2015 with your help I stopped smoking. I have not smoked a single cigarette since and more to the point I do not want to.  I think we can conclude that the hypnotherapy was a great success.  Thank you so much, I am most grateful to you”.

 - RS December 2020