If you face your issues, and with some help from me, you’ll notice positive changes.


What I treat

I help treat clients with a blended approach of Hypnotherapy, NLP, Life Coaching and Mindfulness to help with the following issues:



Being overwhelmed with everyday life can result in mental and physical health problems. A blended therapy approach can provide you with the skills to manage feelings of being anxious so you can relieve the symptoms whenever they bother you.

It is possible to help with anxiety issues using a blend of NLP and Coaching.

When you are ready for help with anxiety issues, please get in touch.


Confidence – we all suffer from a crisis of confidence in certain parts of our life.  Confidence issues may be temporary, or more permanent or happen when we are suffering from anxiety or stress.

It is possible to help with confidence issues with a blend of NLP and Coaching.

When you are ready for help with confidence issues, please get in touch.


Cravings are part of who we are, our individual love of certain foods.  They often define us as a person, be part of our personality and part of what we enjoy or share with others.  But we may hide cravings or not admit to having cravings or despise ourselves for our reliance on our cravings.

Cravings can be bread, butter, cakes, cheese, chocolate, sweets – or anything else.  My clients often wish to remove the need for certain foods as it is having an adverse affect on life or health or weight.

I help people with mild to moderate and severe cravings. 

Please be aware that cravings may be the result of an underlying issue such as anxiety, confidence or stress and a blended therapy approach works.

When you are ready for help with your cravings, please get in touch.


Whether you are afraid of spiders, dogs, flying or anything in-between, a blend of hypnotherapy and NLP can usefully help you to change the way you react in certain situation.

When you are ready for help with your fears, please get in touch.


Habits are when we repeat patterns of behaviour over and over again.  We tell ourselves that we just can’t stop the habit - or we don’t have enough willpower to stop the habit.

Whatever your habit or habits are – whether this is chocolate, nail-biting, spending, procrastination, smoking – or one or more of any other habits, these can be addressed with a blended therapy approach.

When you are ready for help with your fears, please get in touch.


Phobias are a learned reaction.  By speaking to the subconscious mind, I can help to allay those phobias whether that is walking up or down stairs or phobias with certain animals.

When you are ready for help with your phobias, please get in touch.

Sports fears

Sports fears are really quite common, particularly after an injury or an accident, when fear replaces the excitement of playing sport with others or when you participate in a solo exercise such as swimming or skiing. 

When you are ready for help with your sports fears, please get in touch.

Sports performance

The use of hypnosis at the same time as sports training focuses on improving sports performance through confidence, concentration and the relief of anxiety and/or stress when you are playing sport.

As an example, I once worked with a team captain who, after hitting a less than perfect shot, would allow that to ruin the rest of his game.  The lack of focus, unhelpful mind chatter (thinking everyone was judging him and waiting for him to “trip up again”) got in the way of any future good shots and made him extremely publicly grumpy!

With the help of hypnosis and NLP he was able to introduce strategies to his game that removed distractions and allowed him to stay focused, calm and positive. Of course, there was never a guarantee that all shots would be perfect but he knew how to cope with those that were not up to his usual high standard and how to continue with a positive mindset and not let his temper get in the way.   He told me it made all the difference, not just to the game itself but to his relationships with team mates too!

When you are ready for help with your sports performance, please get in touch.

Self belief

Struggles with self-belief leave you feeling stuck and helpless. You may be unhappy with the way you feel about your skills and abilities at work or at home? Perhaps you are challenged by a lack of self worth?

When you are ready for help with feelings of self-belief, please get in touch.


We know that stress is a physiological response that is connected to an external event.   When our body comes up against stress, whether that’s from an internal thought or an external event, an extremely important response kicks in.   It’s known as the fight-or flight response.  

In essence, when we are in fight or flight mode, adrenaline and cortisol are released.  The heart rate goes up and blood gets pumped to our limbs and away from our digestive and reproductive system.  Pupils dilate and blood sugar levels go up as well. 

When it’s a healthy stress, the cortisol level rises and falls quickly (once the event or perceived threat has gone).  Chronic stress however is when the body stays in this mode and is linked to serious health concerns. 

When you put worry and stress together, you get anxiety.   It’s something that is experienced in the mind and the body.    A bit like Stress (as above) except there is no real threat.   You know how it is when we tell ourselves stories about certain situations or what someone thinks of us with absolutely no evidence? We can build that to such an extent that it makes us unwell.

There are no “one-session wonders” when it comes to eliminating stress and anxiety.  My programme of sessions is designed to change your mindset and give you tools to help recognise the triggers and enable you to let go of things that don’t matter thereby giving you the ‘space’ to focus on the positives.

When you are ready for help with stress levels and anxiety, please get in touch.

Healthy Weight Loss

A significant part of sustainable and healthy weight loss is learning about how, what and why you eat what you do.  Hypnosis can help you put aside unhelpful eating patterns, habits and cravings, so you can gain your own self-control around food.

When you are ready for help with healthy weight loss, please get in touch.

Virtual Gastric Band for Weight Loss

Many clients have tried various forms of dieting – healthy and unhealthy dieting – only for weight loss success to be temporary.

The Virtual Gastric Band is a sure way of losing weight, where your subconscious tells you that you just need three small meals per day.  When you are full the virtual gastric band will prevent you from eating more portions and over-eating.

The course involves hypnosis to place the Virtual Gastric Band in your stomach and coaching appointments to support you with your weight loss programme.  In some cases I will tighten or loosen the gastric band.

Many of my clients who want to lose weight do already have a very healthy diet with the odd treat now and again.  Some of us carry those messages from childhood about “eat everything on the plate” and we have adopted bad habits around portion size. With a change of mindset in hypnosis you can have whatever you want to eat in moderation.   It’s often portion size that’s the problem.  The VGB Programme could get you to a place where you are no-longer thinking about weight and eating all the time - leaving you with a set of health habits and eating patterns that will stay with you. 

In my professional experience men and women successfully keep the weight off and, importantly, it’s not hard work.  You can expect lots of positive emotions and a gradual permanent weight loss.

When you are ready for help with my Virtual Gastric Band Programmes, please get in touch.